
食谱英文 烹饪技巧有哪些 风味名称,食谱英文 烹饪技巧有哪些 风味名称呢

小旺 04-12 30

大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较意思的话题,就是关于食谱英文 烹饪技巧哪些 风味名称的问题,于是小编就整理了2个相关介绍食谱英文 烹饪技巧有哪些 风味名称的解答,让我们一起看看吧。


Hand Roll SushiHand Roll Sushi通常也被称为手抓饭,是一种传统日本美食
Hand Roll Sushi通常是一道小食,非常适合作为晚餐或轻松的聚餐食物。

Sushi roll 手抓饭在英文中被翻译成"Sushi roll",其中“Sushi”是一种来自日本的特色美食,用寿司米和各种辅料卷制而成,而“roll”意为卷起来。

食谱英文 烹饪技巧有哪些 风味名称,食谱英文 烹饪技巧有哪些 风味名称呢

Xinjiang hand pilaf is a famous food of Xinjiang people,it's also that every family can make a regular meal at home.

The reason why it is called "hand gra***g rice" is that it was first eaten directly by hand, so it has this name.But now use spoon or chopsticks to eat, say goodbye to the habit of eating with hands.

Hand pilaf is fried yellow carrot with oil (can be replaced by shredded carrot), chopped onion, mutton,then add the washed rice and water to braise, and then sprinkle raisins stir well can be eaten. You can also use chicken instead of mutton to make rice, according to their own preferences. 

食谱英文 烹饪技巧有哪些 风味名称,食谱英文 烹饪技巧有哪些 风味名称呢

Sushi roll因为手抓饭这种食品在日本被称为寿司卷或寿司卷握饭,英文名称则是Sushi roll。
Sushi roll是一种具有浓郁日本传统文化风味的美食,通常由大米、海苔、各种蔬菜和海鲜等原材料制成,其口感独特且味道鲜美
在国外,Sushi roll早已风靡各地,并被人们用作一种方便的快餐,也是许多人最爱的日本料理之一。

用英文介绍贵州小吃 !介绍几款很有特色的?

Zunyi bean flour(遵义豆花面)

Zunyi bean flour is a traditional snack with good taste.(遵义豆花面是一道色香味俱全的传统小吃。)Soft and ***ooth, spicy fl***or, special fl***or.(柔软滑爽,辣香味浓,风味特殊。)

食谱英文 烹饪技巧有哪些 风味名称,食谱英文 烹饪技巧有哪些 风味名称呢

It was first created in the early 20th century by Buddhi***.(最初由佛教素面,创制于20世纪初。)Zunyi douhua noodles is a special snack of guizhou.(遵义豆花面遵义豆花面是很有特色的贵州特色小吃。)

2,Zunyi mutton powder(遵义羊肉粉)

Zunyi mutton powder is a delicious local snack.(遵义羊肉粉是一道美味可口的地方小吃。)Boil soup with fresh mutton, water rice noodles, feed mutton slices and seasoning.(用鲜羊肉熬汤,浇米粉,放羊肉片、调料而食。)

It has been produced for more than 300 years. (已有300余年制作历史。)Guizhou all produce mutton powder, only zunyi mutton powder famous.(贵州各地均产羊肉粉,唯有遵义羊肉粉驰名。)

到此,以上就是小编对于食谱英文 烹饪技巧有哪些 风味名称的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于食谱英文 烹饪技巧有哪些 风味名称的2点解答对大家有用。


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