
英语美食食谱 地方美食怎么说,英语美食食谱 地方美食怎么说呢

小旺 2024-09-06 72

大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较意思的话题,就是关于英语美食食谱 地方美食怎么说的问题,于是小编就整理了3个相关介绍英语美食食谱 地方美食怎么说的解答,让我们一起看看吧。


pizza披萨pudding 布丁beefsteak 牛排pasta 意大利面macaroni 通心粉Macarons 马卡龙muffin 松饼pie 派cookie 曲奇


Shenzhen is a modern city in South of China,it lies next to Hong Kong.Shenzhen is very young and beautiful,too.There are many scenic spots here,for example,there are two famous beaches,named Da Meisha and Xiao Meisha.People always go swimming there.There are also a lot of mountain parks here like Lianhua Park and Bao'an Park,they are covered with green tall trees,grass and colorful flowers.

英语美食食谱 地方美食怎么说,英语美食食谱 地方美食怎么说呢

Welcome to Shenzhen when you are free!



On sunday,I was very happy ,so I decided to make a lunch for my parents.

英语美食食谱 地方美食怎么说,英语美食食谱 地方美食怎么说呢

Frist I cooked the rice.Second I cooked food Icooked vagetables and meat looking at them Iwas very pround I think my parents was proud of me.

I asked my parents to eat them when Iopen the pot.Oh!My god!The rice couldn't be eat.Because I didn't cook it well. I was very disoppointed although my father and my mother told me that they were very h***y.

So we needed to eat noodles for lunch.I didn't like eating noodles at all.But today it wasdelicous.Oh!very good!give a ***ile to myself.

英语美食食谱 地方美食怎么说,英语美食食谱 地方美食怎么说呢

到此,以上就是小编对于英语美食食谱 地方美食怎么说的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于英语美食食谱 地方美食怎么说的3点解答对大家有用。


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